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    Strategic Actions


     Maritime Territorial Integrity & Sovereignty

​Aims & Objectives
Maritime Boundary Delimitation & Continental Shelf – Joint Management Area

Sustainable Development of the Joint Management Area (JMA) of the Mauritius & Seychelles Extended Continental Shelf in the region of the Mascarene Plateau.



    • ​-​ Elaboration of a comprehensive legal & regulatory framework for the Joint Management Area (JMA), including extractive      industry.
  • - Establishment of a Core Designated Authority equipped with the appropriate technology to implement developmental            activities in the JMA.

- Holding of Joint Technical Committee and Ministerial Council of Joint Commission.

- Conduct of geotechnical surveys & Evaluation of hydrocarbon prospect.

- Evaluation of seabed minerals prospect

- Elaboration of a strategic environmental management plan for JMA & Inventory of living and non-living resources.

- Implementation of a Marine Exploration Plan.

- Compilation & analysis of oceanographic and geological parameters to identify oceanic processes.

- Promotion of the JMA as a frontier region for oil & gas prospection.

- Licensing of concession title deeds for exploration.

- Management of operation including registration of concession titles, permit & licences.

    • ​- Implementation of UNDP/GEF stand- alone Project -Capacity Building for Oil Spill Contingency Planning and        Emergency  Response
Maritime Boundary Delimitation & Continental Shelf – Extended Continental Shelf
Extension of the Maritime Zone – Claim for Extended Continental Shelf to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf

Preparation of the Submission (Legal & technical aspects) for Extended Continental Shelf:

  -  Region of Rodrigues

  - Region of Chagos Archipelago

  - Preparation of Response to the UN Commission upon examination of the Submission for Extended Continental           Shelf.

Maritime Boundary Delimitation & Continental Shelf - EEZ
Delimitation of Exclusive Economic Zone, territorial sea and contiguous zone boundary.
    •  - Conduct and review of survey basepoints and baseline along the coast.

    •  - Computation of territorial sea, contiguous zone and EEZ boundary lines and points.

    •  - Computation of overlapping boundaries.

    •  - Establishment of bilateral agreements for median lines in overlapping boundaries.

    •  - Implementation of UN Convention concerning rights in the maritime zones.

    •  - Ascertain sovereign right over the full maritime space of the Republic of Mauritius.

Maritime Zones Administration & Use

Maritime Zones Administration & Us​e
Elaboration of Marine Spatial Plan for Maritime Zones Administration & Use.
  • - Inventory and compilation of historical data and identification of critical ecological components.

  • - Demarcation of Maritime Zones for development, conservation & concession zones - DOWA, Mari-culture, MPAs, sea   lanes, etc.

  • - Ocean Observatory E- Platform

  • - Procurement of Server to be hosted at the Department

    • - Installation of E- Platform on internal network for access by Government (Ministries/ Departments)​

    • - Maintenance Contract for E- Platform

    • -Training of end-users.

    • - Development of national regulation for marine activities including Deep Ocean Water Application (DOWA)- Downstream Activities.

    • - Development of legal & regulatory framework including marine conservation area & policy (SDG 14 & MSP).

  • - Conduct/ Mapping of marine habitats surveys.

  • - Identification of ecological hotspots.

  • - Strategic Environment Assessment/ Review.

  • - Review & Update of strategic EIA for marina development

  • - Management & Protection of Marine Ecosystem (SDG 14) - Delimitation of Marine Conservation Area (10%)

  • - Implementation of Marine Spatial Plan
Regulation of Underwater Cultural Heritage Activities
  • - Development of regulations for Underwater Cultural Heritage activities in the waters of Mauritius.

  • - Identification and documentation of the marine archaeological resources in the EEZ of Mauritius-Database

  • - Capacity Building in survey and management of Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites

  • - Development of management plan for Underwater Cultural Heritage sites
Maritime Security and Surveillance of the Maritime Zones
  • - ​Enhancement of maritime surveillance through the application of satellite images for vessel detection in the Maritime Zones

  • - Capacity building for maritime security using remote sensing
Survey of Maritime Zones and Elaboration of a Nearshore Survey plan for Potential Resources in the Waters of Mauritius
  • - Conduct of Nearshore and Shallow Water Surveys – Seabed & Subsoil Geology

  • - Nearshore Assessment & Modelling of Hydrodynamics


Seabed Exploration for Hydrocarbon & Minerals

Hydrocarbon & Minerals Exploration​​

Development and Promotion of an Offshore Extractive Industry - Hydrocarbon





  • - Establishment of a modern and stable legal and regulatory framework (enactment of a new Offshore Petroleum Act) that provides for the transparent and even-handed treatment of investors, and access to and provide security of tenure over areas of petroleum potential.

  • ​- Strengthening of institutional arrangements associated with the implementation of recommended regulatory regime including capacity building and technological know-how.

  • - Development of streamlined and effective institutional arrangements for the management of the offshore petroleum sector, together with adequate capacity to promote, authorise, monitor and regulate offshore petroleum activity (SDG 14)

  • - Ensuring that petroleum activities are carried out in accordance with best international practices and in a manner that protects the Marine Environment and that is consistent with international law and, as reflected in the rules and principles contained in International Conventions and other accepted rules, standards, principles and practices (SDG 14).

  • - Conduct of geotechnical surveys & Evaluation of hydrocarbon prospect in the waters of Mauritius.

  • - Compilation & analysis of oceanographic and geological parameters to identify oceanic processes.

  • - Delimitation of exploration/exploitation block area.

  • - Promotion of the area as a frontier region for oil & gas prospection.

  • - Licensing of concession titles for exploration.

  • - Management of operation including registry of concession titles, permits & licences.
Develop and Encourage an offshore Extractive Industry - Minerals
    • - Establishment of a modern, stable legal and regulatory framework (enactment of new Seabed Mineral Resources Act).

    • - Establishment of framework to sponsor mineral exploration in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.

    • - Strengthening of institutional capacity associated with the implementation of recommended regulatory regime including human resources and technological know-how.

    • - Conduct of marine resource surveys & Evaluation of mineral prospect in the waters of Mauritius.

    • - Compilation & analysis of oceanographic and geotechnical parameters to identify oceanic processes.

    • - Delimitation of exploration/exploitation block area.

    • - Promotion of the area as a “Mineral hub"

    • - Licensing of concession title for exploration.

    - Management of operation including registration of concession titles, permits & licenses ​